Diabetes references

  1. End of Life Guidance for Diabetes Care: For Health Care Professionals. Trend Diabetes, endorsed by Diabetes UK and Diabetes Frail. 2021
  2. Joint British Diabetes Societies for in patient care. Management of hyperglycaemia and steroid (glucocorticoid)therapy. October 2014, revised June 2022
  3. Dawber R, et al (2015) Diabetes Management in Palliative Care. Specialist Palliative Care Audit and Guidelines Group (SPAGG)
  4. Poulson J (1997). The management of diabetes in patients with advanced cancer. Journal of Pain and symptom management. 13(6):339-46
  5. Joint British Diabetes Societies for in patient care. The Management of Hyperosmolar, Hyperglycaemis State (HSS) in adults. February 2022
  6. Husbands E (2008) Clinical Care Guidelines: Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Palliative Medicine. Birmingham: Pan-Birmingham Palliative Care Network.
  7. Wye Valley Trust Guidelines for Diabetic Ketoacidosis in adults. Available on Wye Valley trust intranet.
  8. Joint British Diabetes Societies for in patient care: The management of diabetic ketoacidosis in adults. September 2013.
  9. Wye Valley Trust Guidelines for Hyperglycaemic, hyperosmolar state. Available on the Wye Valley Trust intranet.
  10. Twycross R et al (2009) Symptom management in advanced caner (4e). pp221 – 225(PCF ref 9)
  11. Wilcock A et al (2022) Palliative Care Formulary version 8.
  12. Pilkey J, et al (2012) Corticosteroid-induced diabetes in palliative care. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 15:681-689.
  13. Gannon C, et al (2010) Dose sensitive steroid induced hyperglycaemia. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 24(7) 737-739
  14. Joharatnam-Hogan, N et al; the Joint British Diabetes Society for Inpatient Care (JBDS), UK Chemotherapy Board (UKCB). A guideline for the outpatient management of glycaemic control in people with cancer. DiabetMed. 2021;00:e1463
  15. Storey H, et al (2018) Diagnostic accuracy of self-administered urine glucose test strips as a diabetes screening tool in a low-resource setting in Cambodia. BMJ Open 2018;8:e019924.


These Guidelines are intended for use by healthcare professionals and the expectation is that they will use clinical judgement, medical, and nursing knowledge in applying the general principles and recommendations contained within. They are not meant to replace the many available texts on the subject of palliative care.

Some of the management strategies describe the use of drugs outside their licensed indications. They are, however, established and accepted good practice. Please refer to the current BNF for further guidance.

Whilst SPAGG takes every care to compile accurate information , we cannot guarantee its correctness and completeness, and it is subject to change. We do not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the use of this information.