This free information event will enable you to learn about what free support is currently available for people with serious illnesses in the UK. This event is particularly relevant for anyone living with a serious and life-limiting condition, and those who are important to them. However, you may be worried about the future or curious to learn more about what hospices and palliative care services do – if so, come along as all are welcome!
The event will provide information around palliative and end of life care and how and why people are discharged from these services. The organisers are Celia Bernstein (Warwick Medical School) and Katharine Weetman (Birmingham Medical School). The event would be of particular interest to anyone who wants to hear more about how, why and where to get help for serious illnesses. We will have doctors and nurses, and staff from Marie Curie and Myton available to talk to you.
Free pizza and soft drinks will be provided at the event.
Drop ins are welcome but for catering, you are strongly encouraged to register in advance for free here:
For any questions, please contact Ruman Tiwana at
Herbert Art Gallery & Museum